for fleet owner

Overview - Errors & Rate Limit

Info: Stellantis Fleet Owner API for ex Groupe PSA brands (Citroën, DS, Peugeot, Opel and Vauxhall) is made for organisations owning fleet of vehicles.

Error codes are returned by all API endpoints when the answer is not HTTP-OK. They are displayed in reference page by clicking the default button on the right side panel.

Error Message #

This is the structure of the error message:

  "code": 40499,
  "uuid": "494f61d1-472a-4696-ac3c-2961496c3aaf",
  "message": "No data availble for such context.",
  "timestamp": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
  • code is an enhanced HTTP error code (the first 3 digits are an HTTP standard code and the 2 last digits are specific to the error in this API).
  • uuid is the unique identifier of this message. It can be used to get in touch with the support and help to understand why this error happened.
  • message is a text explaining the error.
  • timestamp is the date and time when the error happened.

Note: If you encounter any unexpected error, do not forget to save the error message. Please contact Stellantis support with the error message (code, uuid and timestamp), we will be able to investigate this.

HTTP Error Codes #

This table lists some HTTP error codes and their meaning in the context of this API.

Response Code Meaning
400 Invalid request (ID, …)
403 The user doesn’t have access to this car. Usually an error with the vehicle ID.
404 Data not found. It can be a lake of data for this specific vehicle or a typo on the URL.
429 Too Many Requests. The limit of requests have been exceeded, see rate limit.
500 Internal server error.

Rate Limit #

According to your subscription to Stellantis API, they are limited amounts of API calls you can send during a period of time:

  • The day limit is a sliding window of 24 hours.
  • The burst limit is a maximum of instantaneous requests during an interval of 1 second.

Prevent Limiting #

The rate limit of your subscription should be sized to your need in terms of requests (burst & daily).

However, it is possible to track your number of remaining call(s) looking at the header of the HTTP response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-RateLimit-Limit-1: 100000
X-RateLimit-Remaining-1: 90502
X-RateLimit-Limit-2: 100
X-RateLimit-Remaining-2: 47
Field Name Description
X-RateLimit-Limit-1 Number of calls allowed during the day limit.
X-RateLimit-Limit-2 Number of calls allowed during the burst limit.
X-RateLimit-Remaining-1 Number of calls remaining before reaching the day limit. Equals to 0 when the limit is reached.
X-RateLimit-Remaining-2 Number of calls remaining before reaching the burst limit. Equals to 0 when the limit is reached.

Reaching The Limit #

When you reach the limit, you will not be able to receive normal information from the API, you will only receive HTTP 429 responses with the following HTTP headers:

X-RateLimit-Limit-1: 100000
X-RateLimit-Remaining-1: 90502
X-RateLimit-Limit-2: 100
X-RateLimit-Remaining-2: 47
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1045
Retry-After: 1045
Field Name Description
X-RateLimit-Limit-1 Number of calls allowed during the day limit.
X-RateLimit-Limit-2 Number of calls allowed during the burst limit.
X-RateLimit-Remaining-1 Number of calls remaining before reaching the day limit. Equals to 0 when the limit is reached.
X-RateLimit-Remaining-2 Number of calls remaining before reaching the burst limit. Equals to 0 when the limit is reached.
X-RateLimit-Reset & Retry-After Number of second(s) remaining before X-RateLimit-Remaining will not be equals to 0 anymore. These fields are displayed only if X-RateLimit-Remaining is equals to 0.

Using these headers, you can wait during the Reset time before sending another request to the API.

If the rate limit of your subscription does not fit your needs, you should contact Stellantis in order to increase the ratios.