accessing party for end-users

Remote - About Remotes

Info: Stellantis Accessing Party for End-Users API for ex Groupe PSA brands (Citroën, DS, Peugeot, Opel and Vauxhall) is available only on request.

The remote feature of this API allows sending remote action to Stellantis vehicles using an internet connection.

Remote Features #

  • ❄️ Preconditioning: Program heater or AC before the vehicle is being used.
  • 🔌 Charging: Start and Stop the recharge of the vehicle.
  • 💡 Lights: Set the light to blink.
  • 🚪 DoorsState: Lock/unlock the doors remotely.
  • 🔈 Horn: Honk the horn remotely.
  • 🔒 Immobilization: Immobilize the vehicle until or remove immobilization.

  • 🔄 State: Refresh and retrieve vehicle status info.
  • 📍 Navigation: Send a remote navigation in the vehicle guidance system.

How does it work? #

When a remote action is sent to a vehicle, it will trigger notifications during the process. That’s why, before sending any remote, it’s necessary to set up a remote callback. If you are working with monitors already, it’s the same process.

Callbacks allow to setup the notifications sent by the remote and the address of the targeted server


Then, it’s possible to send a remote action request using a vehicle ID and the callback ID.

When a remote command is sent to a vehicle, the callback server will receive several notifications as the action is being processed, checkout Notification and Errors for more information about these events.

  • Pending: The remote action is in processing (Accepted, Waking-Up, Send etc.). Several Pending events will be received.
  • Done: The remote action is complete (Success, Failure etc.).
